Talk Talk

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

25/03/2009 (a)

so many weeks din update my blog edy~
so rite now~
i show u guys wat i doin between tis few weeks~

1stly, ofcoz hv to work everyday lor~
tis my contractor pass from ISC Micro Precision Sdn. Bhd.

haha~ hi-tea vf jason n jen around 3~4pm.
at Tong Chi Dau~
drink Tong Shui quite nice~
been thr twice~

4got wat name for tis edy...
sumthng like Bak Gor Suet Yi...
but quite nice~

tis is Liong Fen Ling Mong!
Cincau Limau~

tis is Fried Tong Yuen.
it wil bring u sum fun when u bite it!!

hehe~ duno wat is tis rite?
Mini Yau Zha Kuai!!
cute leh~ X design~

tis is Jason's favorite!!
Fa Sang Wu!!
omg... like my shxt... when i stomachache...

Jason stil very very enjoy the Fa Sang Wu n takin pics~

Wat he concentration to?!?


Kim Choo =) said...

yerr i want eat!! o.Ob

jung_zai said...

no way~
u oli can c n jealous~

Shijen said...

We eat so nice worr...
Too bad..sumbody no chance..
Lalalala ~~~~

json said...

not no chance..
juz the 1 guy vry stingy,dun1 2 bring sum1 go oli...